S.P.N. Joannis Chrysostomi Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, Opera Omnia Quae Exstant J. P. Migne, S.P.N. Joannis Chrysostomi Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, Opera Omnia Quae Exstant, vol. 6. Paris: J.-P., 1859.Historic Authors: John ChrysostomEphrem Syrus
Sinai Syr. 26 See entry in Lewis Works for Mar Isaiah followed by an extract from John Chrysostom and a short life of the Apostle John
Sinai Syr. 10 See entry in Lewis Homilies and extracts of various Fathers Ambrose of Milan, Jacob of Sarug, Theophilus of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Proclus of Constantinople, Ephrem, Cyril of Alexandria, Anastasius of Antioch, Isaac, Timothy, Epiphanius, Cornelius
Vat. sir. 283 Catalog entry in Assemani Concise commentary on the Gospels of Matthew and John (this is also found in the Severus Catena of Vat. sir. 103, fol. 302r-369v)