Quotations from the Diatessaron R. J. H. Gottheil, “Quotations from the Diatessaron”, Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 68-71, 1892.Historic Authors: Tatian
A Pair of Citations from the "Diatessaron" I. H. Hall, “A Pair of Citations from the "Diatessaron"”, Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 10, no. 2, 1891.Historic Authors: Tatian
The Diatessaron and the western text of the Gospels J. Chapman, “The Diatessaron and the western text of the Gospels”, Revue Bénédictine, vol. 29, pp. 233-252, 1912.Historic Authors: Tatian
Dr. Vogels on the Old Syriac Gospels A. S. Lewis, “Dr. Vogels on the Old Syriac Gospels”, The Expositor, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 52-56, 1913.Historic Authors: Tatian
Mk 9,15 in der Vetus Latina H. Joseph Vogels, “Mk 9,15 in der Vetus Latina”, Biblische Zeitschrift, vol. 14, pp. 34-40, 1917.Historic Authors: Tatian
[art.] H. Joseph Vogels, “[art.]”, Biblische Zeitschrift, vol. 12, pp. 369-390, 1914.Historic Authors: Tatian
Lk 2, 36 im Diatessaron H. Joseph Vogels, “Lk 2, 36 im Diatessaron”, Biblische Zeitschrift, vol. 11, pp. 168-171, 1913.Historic Authors: Tatian
Die „Eltern" Jesu H. Joseph Vogels, “Die „Eltern" Jesu”, Biblische Zeitschrift, vol. 11, pp. 33-43, 1913.Historic Authors: Tatian
Der Lanzenstich vor dem Tode Jesu H. Joseph Vogels, “Der Lanzenstich vor dem Tode Jesu”, Biblische Zeitschrift, vol. 10, pp. 396-405, 1912.Historic Authors: Tatian
Drei parallele Varianten im altsyrischen Evangelium H. Joseph Vogels, “Drei parallele Varianten im altsyrischen Evangelium”, Biblische Zeitschrift, vol. 9, pp. 263-265, 1911.Historic Authors: Tatian