Canon criticism is a field of study ripe for research that has the potential to shine light on interpretive traditions. Both Jewish and Christian groups attempted to reconcile "authoritative" teaching with what they saw and experienced in the world around them. The results of such reconciliation were literary works, spanning from the 3rd century BCE into the 7th century CE, attributed to earlier, authoritative figures. Below is a listing of all works extant in Syriac and Arabic (including Garshuni) from J. - C. Haelewyck, Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti. Turnhout: Brepols, 1998.. This list does not include apocryphal works commonly found in the manuscripts of the LXX. However, you can find links here for each of these in the Comprehensive Bibliography of Syriac Christianity (Judith, Tobit, I-IV Maccabees, Odes, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, Epistle of Jeremiah, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon).
While the information provided below can be found in Haelewyck's Clavis, we have enhanced his fundamental work by including direct links to all resources available online in the public domain, including text editions. We are also continuously adding new bibliographical entries that postdate the Clavis, as they come to our attention. These entries are marked by an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the entry. If you would like to suggest bibliography for inclusion, please use our Contact page.
Table of Contents
1. The Life of Adam and Eve (Apocalypse of Moses) (cf. BHG 24-25f) [Back to Top]
Arabic fragments [Unedited]
2. The Testament of Adam [Back to Top]
General Notes
- J. - B. Frey, “Adam (Livres apocryphes sous son nom)”, in Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928, pp. 101-134.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 760-761.
- S. E. Robinson, The Testament of Adam: an Examination of the Syriac and Greek Traditions . Chico: Scholars Press, 1982.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. J. Reinink, “Das Problem des Ursprungs des Testamentes Adams”, in Symposium Syriacum 1972: célébré dans les jours 26-31 octobre 1972 à l'Institut pontifical oriental de Rome, rapports et communications, Rome: Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1974.
Recension B
- E. Renan, Fragments du livre gnostique intitulé Apocalypse d'Adam ou Pénitence d'Adam ou Testament d'Adam, publiés d'après deux versions syriaques. Paris: Imperial Printer, 1854.
- M. Kmosko, Ed., “Testamentum patris nostri Adam”, in Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 2, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. cols. 1306-1360. From codices A B C D E F (text, Latin translation).
- S. E. Robinson, The Testament of Adam: an Examination of the Syriac and Greek Traditions . Chico: Scholars Press, 1982. 45-104. From manuscripts A B C D E F G H
English Translation
- S. E. Robinson, “The Testament of Adam (Second to Fifth Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Volume 1, Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, Revised., vol. 1, 2 vol., J. H. Charlesworth, Ed. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 989-995.
French Translation
German Translation
Arabic Recension A
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- C. Bezold, “Das arabisch-äthiopische Testamentum Adami”, in Orientalische Studien Th. Nöldeke gewidmet, vol. 2, Giessen: Alfred Topelmann, 1906. From Paris, BnF, anc. fonds arab. 54, saec. xiv; Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Huntington arab. 514 and vatic. arab. 165, saec. xiv.
- M. D. Gibson, “Kitab al Magall or the Book of the Rolls, One of the books of Clement”, in Apocrypha Arabica, London: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1901, pp. xx-xxxi, 12-17. From Sinaï, Sainte-Catherine, arab. 508, fol. 98-101v, saec. ix/x, with readings from cod. Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Or. 306, 134 p., saec. xiii.
French Translation
Arabic Recension B
3. Cave of Treasures [Back to Top]
- A. Götze and Bezold, C., Die Schatzhöhle: Überlieferung und Quellen, 4th ed. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's University Publishing, 1922.
- J. - B. Frey, “Adam (Livres apocryphes sous son nom)”, in Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928, pp. 101-134. Col. 101-134.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 760.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur, mit Ausschluss der christlich-palästinensischen Texte. Bonn: A. Marcus and E. Webers, 1922.
Syriac text
- C. Bezold, Ed., Die Schatzhöhle nach dem syrischen Texte der Handschriften zu Berlin, London und Rom nebst einer arabischen Version nach den Handschriften zu Rom, Paris und Oxford [Text], vol. 2, 2 vol. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1888. From Vat. Arab. 165; BNF Arab. 54; Oxford, Bodleian libr., Huntington arab. 514; Oxford, Bodleian Libr., arab. 294; München, Bayerische Staatsbibl., arab. 243.
- S. - M. Ri, La Caverne des trésors; les deux recensions syriaques. Louvain: Peeters, 1987. From 19 manuscripts.
German Translation
English Translation
Arabic/Garshuni (Recesion A)
C. Bezold, Ed., Die Schatzhöhle nach dem syrischen Texte der Handschriften zu Berlin, London und Rom nebst einer arabischen Version nach den Handschriften zu Rom, Paris und Oxford [Text], vol. 2, 2 vol. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1888. From Vat. Arab. 165; BNF Arab. 54; Oxford, Bodleian libr., Huntington arab. 514; Oxford, Bodleian Libr., arab. 294; München, Bayerische Staatsbibl., arab. 243.
Arabic/Garshuni (Recension B)
- M. D. Gibson, “Kitab al Magall or the Book of the Rolls, One of the books of Clement”, in Apocrypha Arabica, London: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1901, pp. xx-xxxi, 12-17.
- Pp. 1-56 [Text]
- Pp. 1-58 [Translation] From cod. Sinai, Sainte-Catherine, arab. 508, fol. 89b-141v (IX-X cent) with readings from cod. Cambridge, Univ. Libr., arab. 306, 134p. (XIII cent)
- A. Battista and Bagatti, B., Eds., La Caverna dei Tesori. Testo arabo con traduzione italiana e commento. Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1979.
4. The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan [Back to Top]
- J. - B. Frey, “Adam (Livres apocryphes sous son nom)”, in Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928, pp. 101-134. Col. 101-134.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 760.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- A. Battista and Bagatti, B., Eds., Il Combattimento di Adamo. Testo arabo inedito con traduzione italiana e commento. Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1982. From 9 manuscripts
- A. Haffner, “Das Hexaëmeron des Pseudo-Epiphanius”, Oriens Christianus, vol. 10, pp. 91-145, 1921.
- E. Trumpp, Das Hexaemeron des Pseudo-Epiphanus: Äthiopischer Text, verglichen mit dem arabischen Originaltext und deutscher Übersetzung, vol. 2. Munich: Royal Academy, 1882.
English Translation
French Translation
German Translation
5. The Book of Adam (Codex Nazaraeus; Mandean Fragment) [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 760.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- M. Norberg, Codex Nazaraeus, Liber Adami appellatus, Syriace Transscriptus, Loco vocalium, ubi Vicem Literarum Gutteralium Praestiterint, his substitutis, Latineque Redditus, vol. 1, 3 vol. London: Berling, 1815.
- M. Norberg, Codex Nazaraeus, Liber Adami appellatus, Syriace Transscriptus, Loco vocalium, ubi Vicem Literarum Gutteralium Praestiterint, his substitutis, Latineque Redditus, vol. 2, 3 vol. London: Berling, 1816.
- M. Norberg, Codex Nazaraeus, Liber Adami appellatus, Syriace Transscriptus, Loco vocalium, ubi Vicem Literarum Gutteralium Praestiterint, his substitutis, Latineque Redditus, vol. 3, 3 vol. London: Berling, 1816.
- M. Norberg, Lexidion Codicis Nasaraei, cui liber Adami nomen. London: Berling, 1816.
- M. Norberg, Onomasticon Codicis Nasaraei, cui liber Adami nomen. London: Berling, 1817.
Manuscripts and German Translation
German Translation
French Translation
6. Life of Abel, by Symmachus [Back to Top]
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- S. P. Brock, “A Syriac Life of Abel”, Le Muséon, vol. 87, pp. 467-492, 1974. From manuscripts Damas, Patr. Syr. Orthod. 12/18, fol. 69b-70v (12 cent.)
7. Syriac Book of Seth [Back to Top]
General Notes
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- J. A. Fabricius, Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, vol. 1. Hamburg: Felginer, 1722.
- J. P. Migne, Ed., Dictionnaire des apocryphes, ou collection de tous les livres apocryphes relatifs à l'Ancien et au Nouveau Testament, pour la plupart traduits en français, pour la première fois, sur les textes originaux, vol. 2, 2 vol. Paris: Petit-Montrouge, 1858.
- S. P. Brock, “A Fragment of Enoch in Syriac”, Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 19, pp. 626-631, 1968.
- Citation of Enoch 6:1-7 by Michael the Syrian, Chronicle, 1.4 [French] [Syriac]
- F. Nau, “Traduction des lettres XII et XIII de Jacques d'Edesse (exégèse biblique)”, Revue de l'Orient chrétienne, vol. 10, pp. 197-208; 258-282, 1905.
9. Apocalypse of Enoch [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- 8th century from Cyriacus of Segestan and Bar Salta of Resh'ayna given in Michael the Syrian, Chronicle XI, 22.
- Syriac Text
- French Translation
10. Tractate of Shem [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 369-372.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- A. Mingana, Some Early Judaeo-Christian Documents in the John Rylands Library. Manchester: The University Press, 1917.
- Intro and translation
- Text
- J. H. Charlesworth, “Die 'Schrift des Sem': Einführung, Text und Übersetzung”, in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung, vol. 2, Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 1987, pp. 951-987.
- J. H. Charlesworth, “Rylands Syriac MS 44 and a New Addition to the Pseudepigrapha: The Treatise of Shem Discussed and Translated”, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, vol. 60, pp. 376-403, 1978.
- J. H. Charlesworth, Ed., “Treatise of Shem (First Century B.C.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Volume 1, Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, Revised., vol. 1, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 473-486.
11. The Testament of Abraham (On the Death of Abraham) [Back to Top]
General Notes
- M. R. James, The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament. London; New York: Society for promoting christian knowledge; The Macmillan Company, 1920.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 761-767.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Arabic Version (from Coptic)
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- F. Schmidt, Le Testament grec d'Abraham: introduction, edition critique des deux recensions grecques traduction. Tübingen: Mohr, 1986. 42-43.
- W. Leslau, Falasha Anthology translated from Ethiopic Sources. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979. 177n8.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 60, 62. From Monastère de Saint-Macaire, n.404 (xv cent.) and n. 410 (an. 1735).
- H. Zotenberg, Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens (gheez et amharique) de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris: National Printing Press, 1877.
- Pp. 200-203 [From BnF Arab. 132, fol. 2r-24].
English Translation
- M. R. James and Barnes, W. E., Eds., The Testament of Abraham. The Greek text now first edited with an introduction and notes. With an appendix containing extracts from the Arabic version of the Testaments, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, vol. 2. Cambridge: University Press, 1892.
- W. F. Stinespring, “Testament of Isaac (Second Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Volume 1, Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, Revised., vol. 1, 2 vol., J. H. Charlesworth, Ed. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 903-911.
French Translation
12. History of Melchizedek [Back to Top]
General Notes
- M. R. James, The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament. London; New York: Society for promoting christian knowledge; The Macmillan Company, 1920.
- S. E. Robinson, “The Apocryphal Story of Melchizedek”, Journal for the Study of Judaism, vol. 18, pp. 26-39, 1987.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- *S. Minov, “Reception of the Greek Story of Melchizedek in Syriac Christian Tradition”, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, vol. 26.2, pp. 108–143, 2016.
Syriac [unedited]
Arabic [unedited]
13. Joseph and Asenath (second recension) [Back to Top]
- E. W. Brooks, Ed., Historia ecclesiastica Zachariae rhetori vulgo adscripta (I), vol. 1, 2 vol. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1919.
- Pp. 21.13-55.29. From London Brit. lib. Add. 17202, fol. 10r-25v, ca. 600 and London, Brit. Libr. Add. 7190, fol. 319r-328v, XII cent.
Latin Translation
14. History of Joseph [Back to Top]
15. History of Joseph, Son of Jacob [Version A] [Back to Top]
Arabic Version [Unedited]
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 54, 58, 59.
16. History of Joseph, Son of Jacob [Version B] [Back to Top]
Arabic Version
- General Notes
- R. Y. Ebied and Young, M. J. L., “An Unknown Arabic Poem on Joseph and his Brethren”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 1, pp. 2-7, 1974.
- M. J. L. Young and Ebied, R. Y., The Story of Joseph in Arabic Verse. The Leeds Arabic Manuscript 347 edited with a Translation and Notes. Leiden: Brill, 1975.
- From Leeds, Univ. Department of Semitic Languages and Literatures, arab. 347, 32 fol. (13/14th cent.)
19. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs [Back to Top]
General Notes
- M. R. James, The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament. London; New York: Society for promoting christian knowledge; The Macmillan Company, 1920.
- J. - B. Frey, “Adam (Livres apocryphes sous son nom)”, in Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928, pp. 101-134. col. 380-390.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- M. de Jonge, “The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Central Problems and Essential Viewpoints”, in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung, vol. 1, Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 1987, pp. 359-420.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 767-781.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- London, Brit., Libr., Add. 17193, fol. 71a, an. 874.
- W. Wright, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838, vol. 2, 3 vol. London: British Museum, 1871.
- R. H. Charles, The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs edited from nine MSS together with the Variants of the Armenian and Slavonic Versions and some Hebrew Fragments. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908.
German Translation
20. The Names of the wives of the Patriarchs [Back to Top]
21. Conversation of Moses with God [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- A. Desreumaux, “Un manuscrit syriaque de Téhéran contenant des apocryphes”, Apocrypha. Revue Internationale des Littératures Apocryphes, vol. 5, pp. 137-164, 1994. 137-164.
- M. H. Goshen-Gottstein, Syriac Manuscripts in the Harvard College Library: A Catalogue. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979.
- Cambridge, Mass, Harvard Univ., Houghton Libr., syr. 89 and syr. 90.
- R. Curzon, Catalogue of materials for writing, early writings on tablets and stones, rolled and other manuscripts, and oriental manuscript books: in the library of the Honourable Robert Curzon at Parham in the county of Sussex. London: W. Nicol, 1849.
- I. H. Hall, “The Colloquy of Moses on Mount Sinai”, Hebraica, vol. 7, pp. 161-177, 1891.
Arabic [Unedited]
22. The Book of Jubilees [Back to Top]
General Notes
- J. - B. Frey, “Apocryphes de l'Ancien Testament”, in Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928, pp. 371-380.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 308-318.
- A. M. Ceriani, “Nomina uxorum patriarcarum priorum juxta librum hebraeum Jobelia nuncupatum”, in Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim Bibliothecae Ambrosianae: Opera collegii Doctorum eiusdem, vol. 2, Milan: Ambrosian Library, 1863, p. ix-x.
- Pp. ix-x. [From London, Brit. Libr., Add. 12154, fol. 180 (viii-ix cent.).]
- R. H. Charles, The Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees otherwise known among the Greeks as Η ΛΕΠΤΗ ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ edited from four Manuscripts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895.
- W. L. Lipscomb, “A Tradition from the Book of Jubilees in Armenian”, Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 29, pp. 149-163, 1978.
- W. L. Lipscomb, “The Wives of the Patriarchs in the Eklogê Historian”, Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 30, p. 91, 1979.
- M. E. Stone, Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Adam and Eve. Edited with Introductions, Translations and Commentary. Leiden: Brill, 1996. From Erevan, Matenadaran 10200, p. 392 (an. 1624, 1634, 1666).
- E. Tisserant, “Fragment Syriaque de Livre des Jubilés”, Revue Biblique, vol. 30, pp. 55-59, 1921.
- I. E. Rahmani, Ed., Chronicon civile et ecclesiasticum anonymi auctoris / quod ex unico codice Edesseno. Charfeh: Syriac Patriarchal Press at the Seminary of Charfeh, 1904.
- I. A. Barsoum and Chabot, J. - B., Eds., Chronicon anonymi auctoris ad annum Christi 1234 pertinens [textus], vol. 1, 2 vol. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1920.
French Translation
- F. Nau, “Traduction de la Chronique syriaque anonyme, éditée par Sa Béatitude Mgr. Rahmani, Patriarche des Syriens catholiques (I)”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 12, pp. 429-440, 1907.
- F. Nau, “Traduction de la Chronique syriaque anonyme, éditée par Sa Béatitude Mgr. Rahmani, Patriarche des Syriens catholiques (II)”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, no. 13, pp. 90-99, 321-328, 436-443, 1908.
French Translation
23. The Life of Moses [Back to Top]
24. Instruction of David to Solomon [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- I.209. ("Unterweisung Davids an Salomon...über die Entstehung der Stufenpsalmen")
French Translation
25. On the Palace of Solomon [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n.108, 17.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
26. Questions of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon [Back to Top]
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- S. P. Brock, “The Queen of Sheba's Questions to Solomon: A Syriac Version”, Le Muséon, vol. 92, pp. 331-345, 1979. [From Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Add. 2012, fol. 157v-158r (14th cent.); Mingana Syr. 480 fol. 398 (an. 1712-1713) and Harvard Syr. 99 fol. 171r-172r, 175v-176r (an. 1899)].
27. Testament of Solomon to Rehoboam his Son [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 62-63. From Monastère de Saint-Macaire, n. 411 (an. 1739).
28. Final Counsel of Solomon [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- II.487 [From Paris, BnF arabe 28, 29].
29. The Death of Solomon [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n.108.18.
Arabic (2 Recensions)
General Notes
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 18, 62-63, 64.
- From Monastère de Saint-Macaire, n. 15 (=Bibl. 15), xix cent.; n. 411 (=Hag. 45), an. 1739; n. 414 (=Hag. 48), an. 1525
Recension A
- M. D. Gibson, Ed., “Aphikia”, in Apocrypha Arabica, London: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1901, pp. 59-63.
- Pp. 59-63 [From Paris, BnF syr. 179, fol. 126r-130v (Garshuni), an. 1574 and Paris, BnF arab. 50, fol. 105v-108v, xvi cent.]
Recension B
- L. Cheikho, “La légende de la sage 'Afiqiyâ et du sage Salomon”, Al-Machriq, vol. 19, pp. 903-908, 1921.
- Pp. 903-908. [From Beyrouth, Univ. Saint Joseph, Bibl. Orientale [s.n.], p. 131-143 (Garshuni)].
French Translation
- I. Lévi, “Afiqia, femme de Jésus fils de Sira”, Revue des Études Juives , vol. 43, pp. 231-236, 1901. From Paris, BnF, arab. 132, fol. 124r-127r, an. 1629.
German Translation
31. History of the Rechabites (Story of Zosimus from the Lives of the Blessed Men; The History of the sons of Jonadab) [Back to Top]
General Notes
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- C. Knights, “Towards a Critical Introduction to "The History of the Rechabites"”, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period, vol. 3.26, pp. 324-342, 1995.
- A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur, mit Ausschluss der christlich-palästinensischen Texte. Bonn: A. Marcus and E. Webers, 1922.
- J. - M. Sauget, Un cas très curieux de restauration de manuscrit: le Borgia syriaque 39. Étude codicologique et analyse de contenu. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1981.
- S. P. Brock, “Notes on Some Texts in the Mingana Collection”, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 14, pp. 205-226, 1969.
- A. Desreumaux, “Un manuscrit syriaque de Téhéran contenant des apocryphes”, Apocrypha. Revue Internationale des Littératures Apocryphes, vol. 5, pp. 137-164, 1994.
- London, Brit. Libr. Or. 3337, fol. 58v-97v; New York, Union Theological Seminary, syr. 33
- M. H. Goshen-Gottstein, Syriac Manuscripts in the Harvard College Library: A Catalogue. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979. 130.
- F. Nau, “La Légende inédite des fils de Jonadab, fils de Réchab, et les Îles fortunées”, Revue sémitique d'épigraphie et d'histoire ancienne, vol. 7, pp. 54-75; 136-146, 1899.
English Translation
- J. H. Charlesworth, “History of the Rechabites (First to Fourth Centuries A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament pseudepigrapha. 2, Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms, and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works, vol. 2, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 443-461.
Arabic (from Syriac) [Unedited]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- J. - M. Sauget, “Reconstitution d'un manuscrit double originaire du Tūr 'Abdīn et actuellement dépecé: Sbath 125 + Mingana syriaque 88”, in Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Anno 378, 1976, pp. 358-439.
32. History of the Prophet Elijah [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 64. [From Monastère Saint-Macaire, n. 414 (=Hag. 48; an. 1525)].
33. History of the Prophet Elijah and the son of the Widow [Back to Top]
34. History of the Prophet Elijah and his Ascension [Back to Top]
35. Sermon of the Prophet Elisha on sinners [Back to Top]
36. Sermon of the Prophet Elisha on the necessity of purification [Back to Top]
37. Prayer of Manasseh [Back to Top]
- J. - B. Frey, Ed., Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, vol. 1. Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928. col. 442-445.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 760-761.
- J. H. Charlesworth, “Prayer of Manasseh (Second Century B.C.-First Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament pseudepigrapha. 2, Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms, and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works, vol. 2, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 625-637.
English Translation
- J. H. Charlesworth, “Prayer of Manasseh (Second Century B.C.-First Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament pseudepigrapha. 2, Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms, and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works, vol. 2, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 625-637.
French Translation
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- L. Pirot, Robert, A., Cazelles, H., Briend, J., and Quesnel, M., Eds., Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément. Mystères - passion. Paris: Letouzey & Ané, 1960. col. 807-810.
- S. P. Brock, “Bibelübersetzungen I”, Theologische Realenzyklopädie, vol. 6, pp. 209-211, 1980.
38. Prayer of Manasseh (cited from the Apostolic Constitutions) [Back to Top]
- H. Schneider, Ed., The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta version: Part 4, fasc. 6, Canticles or Odes, Prayer of Manasseh, Apocryphal psalms, Psalms of Salomon, Tobit, I(3) Esdras, vol. 4. Leiden: Brill, 1972.
- A. Vööbus, The Didascalia Apostolorum in Syriac [Text]. Louvain: Secrétariat du Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 1979.
- P. de Lagarde, Didascalia Apostolorum Syriace. Göttingen: Becker & Eidner, 1911.
- M. D. Gibson, The Didascalia Apostolorum in Syriac: Edited from a Mesopotamian Manuscript with Various Readings and Collations of other Mss. London: C.J. Clay & sons, 1903.
English Translations
- A. Vööbus, The Didascalia Apostolorum in Syriac [Translation]. Louvain: Secrétariat du Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 1979.
- “Prayer of Manasseh (Second Century B.C.-First Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament pseudepigrapha. 2, Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms, and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works, vol. 2, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 625-637.
French Translation
- F. Nau, Ed., “La Didascalie: c'est-a-dire l'enseignement catholique des douze apôtres et des saints disciples de notre sauveur, Traduite du Syriaque pour la première fois”, Le Canoniste contemporain, vol. 24, pp. 78-90, 137-147, 205-216, 273-284, 336-344, 401-416, 543-558, 653-667, 1901.
- F. Nau, La Didascalie des douze Apôtres, 2nd ed. Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1912.
German Translation
39. Prayer of Manasseh (from the Byzantine Horologion) [Back to Top]
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
- H. Schneider, Ed., The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta version: Part 4, fasc. 6, Canticles or Odes, Prayer of Manasseh, Apocryphal psalms, Psalms of Salomon, Tobit, I(3) Esdras, vol. 4. Leiden: Brill, 1972.
40. 4 Esdras (The Apocalypse of Ezra) [Back to Top]
General Notes
- J. - B. Frey, Ed., Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, vol. 1. Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 294-306.
- M. E. Stone, Fourth Ezra: a commentary on the book of Fourth Ezra. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994.
- B. W. Longenecker, 2 Esdras. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- For a discussion on the relation to the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch, see W. Harnisch, Verhängnis und Verheißung der Geschichte: Untersuchungen zum Zeit- und Geschichtsverständnis im 4. Buch Esra und in der syr. Baruchapokalypse. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1969.
German Translation
- A. M. Ceriani, Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim Bibliothecae Ambrosianae: Opera collegii Doctorum eiusdem, vol. 2. Milan: Ambrosian Library, 1863.
- Pp. 39-107. [From Milan, Bibl. Ambr., B 21 Inf., fol. 267rb-276vc (VI/VII cent.)]
- A. M. Ceriani, Translatio syra pescitto Veteris Testamenti ex Codice Ambrosiano sec. fere VI photolithographice edita curante et adnotante. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883.
- H. Schneider, Ed., The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta version: Part 4, fasc. 6, Canticles or Odes, Prayer of Manasseh, Apocryphal psalms, Psalms of Salomon, Tobit, I(3) Esdras, vol. 4. Leiden: Brill, 1972. i-iv, 1-50.
- B. Outtier, “Un fragment syriaque inédit de IV Esdras”, Apocrypha. Revue Internationale des littératures Apocryphes, vol. 4, pp. 19-23, 1993. From Paris BnF, suppl. turc 983, fol. 113/126 (VI cent.)
- London, Brit. Libr., Add. 14686, an. 1255 (= 4 Esdrae VI, 18-28; VII, 26-42; XII, 31-38); London, Brit. Libr., Add. 14736, (xiii cent.) (= 4 Esdrae XII, 31-38); Pampakuda (Kerala, India), A. Konath Libr. 77 (3), an. 1423 (=4 Esdrae vii, 26-42; xii, 31-38).
English Translation
French Translation
German Translation
Arabic (Three versions: 2 from Greek, 1 from Syriac)
- H. Gressmann and Violet, B., Die Apokalypsen des Esra und des Baruch in deutscher Gestalt. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1924.
- L. Gry, Les dires prophétiques d'Esdras: (IV. Esdras). Paris: P. Geuthner, 1938. xv-xvi.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- **A. Drint, “Some notes on the arabic version of IV ezra and apocalypse of baruch in Ms MT sinai arabic codex 589”, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 24, pp. 165-177, 2010.
- **A. Drint, “IV [four] ezra in sinai arabic 589: the origin of an early arabic version”, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 18, pp. 31-44, 1993.
Version 1 (From Greek)
- H. Ewald, “Das vierte Ezrabuch nach seinem Zeitalter, senen arabischen Übersetzung und einer neuen Wiederherstellung”, Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Abhandlungen der historisch-philologischen Klasse, vol. 11, pp. 133-230, 1864.
- Pp. 133-230. [From Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Or. 251, an. 1354]
- Vatic. arab.. 3; Mingana syr. 624 (Garshuni), fol. 138r-152r, an. 1637-1639.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 57-58 [From Monastère de St-Macaire, n. 391 (=Hag. 25), an. 1660].
English Translation
- S. Ockley, “The Second Book of Esdras”, in Primitive Christianity Reviv'd. Vol. IV. An Account of the Faith of the Two First Centuries, vol. 4, 4 vol., W. Whiston, Ed. London: Printed for the author and to be sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1711, pp. appendix 1-140.
French Translation
German Translation
Version 2 (From Greek)
German Translation
- I. Gildemeister, Esdrae liber quartus arabice, e codice Vaticano 462 nunc primum editum. Bonn: Adolph Mark, 1877.
- From Vaticano, Bibl. Apost. Vatic. arab. 462, fol. iv-37v, an. 1311; Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Or. Hungtington arab. 260, fol. 136r-155v, xiv cent.; Paris BnF 51, fol. 227v, an. 1321 (= 4 Esdrae vii, 75-91); Beirut, Univ. Saint Joseph, Bibl. Orientale 419, an. 1690 (xvii/xviii cent.).
French Translation
German Translation
Version 3 (From Syriac)
- A. Drint, “The Mount Sinai Arabic Version of IV Ezra. Text, Translation, and Introduction”, University of Groningen, Groningen, 1995. [From St. Catherine 589. fol. 34r-68r, 9-10 cent or 10-11 cent.]
- A. Drint, The Mount Sinai Arabic Version of IV Ezra. Louvain: Peeters, 1997.
- M. E. Stone, “A New Manuscript of the Syro-Arabic Version of the Fourth Book of Ezra”, Journal for the Study of Judaism, vol. 8, pp. 183-184, 1977.
- A. S. Atiya, The Arabic manuscripts of Mount Sinai. A hand-list of the Arabic manuscripts and scrolls microfilmed at the library of the Monastery of St. Catherine. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1955.
- A. Drint, “The Mount Sinai Arabic Version of IV Ezra. Characteristics and Relevance of an Early Arabic Translatio of the Syriac Text”, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, vol. 58, pp. 401-422, 1992. [From Berlin, Staatsbibl. Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Spreng. 30 (Ahlwardt 9434), p. 29-30, ix/x cent. or xii cent. (= 4 Esdras xiv, 38-50).]
English Translation
41. The Apocalypse of Ezra on the reign of the Arabs [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- F. Baethgen, “Beschreibung der syrischen Handschrift "Sachau 131" auf der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin”, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, vol. 6, pp. 193-211, 1886.
- J. - B. Chabot, “L'Apocalypse d'Esdras touchant le royaume des Arabes”, Revue Sémitique d'Épigraphie et d'Histoire Ancienne, vol. 2, pp. 242-250; 333-346, 1894.
- Pp. 242-250 (Text)
- Pp. 333-346. (Translation) [From Paris, BnF, syr. 326, fol. 1b-5b.]
42. History and Wisdom of Ahiqar [Back to Top]
General Notes
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n.100.1-27
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 232-239.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Recension C (Syriac in five recensions of its own)
- E. Kuhn, “Zum weisen Akyrios”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift , vol. 1, pp. 127-130, 1892.
- F. Nau, Histoire et sagesse d'Ahikar l'Assyrien (fils d'Anael, neveu de Tobie). Traduction des versions syriaques avec les principales différences des versions arabes, arménienne, grecque, néo-syriaque, slave et roumaine. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1909.
- F. C. Conybeare, Harris, J. R., and Lewis, A. S., Eds., The story of Aḥiḳar from the Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, old Turkish, Greek and Slavonic versions. London: J.C. Clay and Sons, 1898.
- S. P. Brock, “Notes on Some Texts in the Mingana Collection”, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 14, pp. 205-226, 1969. 205-226.
French Translation
Syriac Recension 1
- J. R. Harris, “The Syriac Text of the Legend of Aḥiḳar from a MS. in the University of Cambridge (Cod. Add. 202=S2)”, in The story of Aḥiḳar from the Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, old Turkish, Greek and Slavonic versions, F. C. Conybeare and Lewis, A. S., Eds. London: J.C. Clay and Sons, 1898, pp. 37-62; 56-84.
- Pp. 37-62 [Syriac Text].
- Pp. 56-84 [English Translation]
German Translation
Syriac Recension 2
Syriac Recension 3
- J. R. Harris, “The Syriac Text of the Legend of Aḥiḳar from a MS. in the University of Cambridge (Cod. Add. 202=S2)”, in The story of Aḥiḳar from the Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, old Turkish, Greek and Slavonic versions, F. C. Conybeare and Lewis, A. S., Eds. London: J.C. Clay and Sons, 1898, pp. 37-62; 56-84.
- Pp. 34-36 (Text)
- Pp. 56-84 (Translation). From London, Brit Lib., Add. 7200, fol. 114 (xii/xiii cent.).
Syriac Recension 4
- E. Kuhn, “Zum weisen Akyrios”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift , vol. 1, pp. 127-130, 1892.
- Pp. 209-214. From Berlin, Staatsbibl. Preußischer Kulturbesitz, syr. 165 (=Sachau 162), fol. 86-92, an. 1583.
- F. Nau, “Histoire et sagesse d'Ahikar d'après le manuscrit de Berlin «Sachau 162», fol. 86 sq.”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 21, pp. 148-160, 1919.
Syriac Recension 5
Arabic (3 Recensions)
Arabic Recension 1
- E. Kuhn, “Zum weisen Akyrios”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift , vol. 1, pp. 127-130, 1892.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- F. C. Conybeare, Harris, J. R., and Lewis, A. S., Eds., The story of Aḥiḳar from the Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, old Turkish, Greek and Slavonic versions. London: J.C. Clay and Sons, 1898.
- 1-33. From Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Add. 2886 (Karshuni); London, Brit. Libr., Add. 7209.
- A. Salihani, Ed., Contes arabes: édités d'après un ms. de l'Université S. Joseph. Beirut: Impr. catholique, 1890. (Garshuni)
- L. Leroy, “Histoire d'Haikar le sage d'après les manuscrits arabes 3637 et 3656 de Paris (I)”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 13, pp. 367-388, 1908.
- L. Leroy, “Histoire d'Haikar le sage d'après les manuscrits arabes 3637 et 3656 de Paris (II)”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 14, pp. 50-70, 143-154, 1909.
English Translation
- F. C. Conybeare, Harris, J. R., and Lewis, A. S., Eds., The story of Aḥiḳar from the Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, old Turkish, Greek and Slavonic versions. London: J.C. Clay and Sons, 1898.
- R. H. Charles, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English: with critical and explanatory notes to the several books. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913.
Arabic Recension 2
Arabic Recension 3C(Arabic paraphrase from the book of 1001 nights)
- M. Mahdi, Ed., The Thousand and One Nights (Alf Layla wa-Layla). From the Earliest Known Sources. Arabic Text Edited with Introduction and Notes, 3 vol. Leiden; New York: Brill, 1994.
- B. Heller and Stillman, N. A., “Luḳmân”, in Encyclopédie de l'Islam. Nouvelle édition, C. E. Bosworth, Donzel, E. van, Lewis, B., Pellat, C., Dijkema, F. T., and Nurit, S., Eds. Paris, Leiden: Brill, 1986, pp. 817-820.
- This is a Syriac translation of Flavius Josephus, De Bello judaico, 6.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- J. Delahaye, Ed., “Liber Maccabaeorum quartus apocryphus”, in Biblia Maxima Versionum: Ex Linguis Orientalibus: Pluribvs Sacris MSS. Codicibus: Innummeris Fere SS. & veteribus Patribus, & Interpretibus orthodoxis, collectarum. Earumqve Concordia cum Vulgata, et eius Expositione Litterali,,, Paris: Sumptibus D. Bechet & L. Billaine, 1660, pp. 736-739.
French Translation
44. History of St. Shamuni [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n.103.6 [Derived from Syriac Passionem s. Mariae, quae et Samone, et VII filiorum eius; Cf. BHO 276.3]
45. Syriac Apocryphal Psalms [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 188-192.
- W. Baars, Ed., “Apocryphal Psalms”, in The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta version: Part 4, fasc. 6, Canticles or Odes, Prayer of Manasseh, Apocryphal psalms, Psalms of Salomon, Tobit, I(3) Esdras, Leiden: Brill, 1972.
- J. R. Harris and Mingana, A., Eds., “Uncanonical Psalms”, in Woodbrooke Studies: Christian Documents in Syriac, Arabic, and Garshūni, Reprint., vol. 1, Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1927.
English Translation
- J. H. Charlesworth and Sanders, J. A., “More Psalms of David (Third Century B.C. - First Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament pseudepigrapha. 2, Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms, and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works, vol. 2, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 609-624.
- W. Wright, “Some Apocryphal Psalms in Syriac”, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 257-258, 264-246, 1887.
German Translation
46. Odes of Solomon (CPG 1350) [Back to Top]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 188-192.
English Translation
- J. H. Charlesworth, “Odes of Solomon (Late First to Early Second Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament pseudepigrapha. 2, Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms, and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works, Revised., vol. 2, 2 vol., Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 725-771.
- J. R. Harris and Mingana, A., Eds., The Odes and Psalms of Solomon: The text with facsimile reproductions, vol. 1, 2 vol. Manchester: University Press, 1916.
- J. R. Harris, The Odes and Psalms of Solomon: The translation with introduction and notes, vol. 2, 2 vol. Manchester: University Press, 1920.
- J. H. Charlesworth, The Odes of Solomon. The Syriac Texts edited wth Translations and Notes. Chico: Scholars Press, 1977.
- M. Lattke, Die Oden Salomos in ihrer Bedeutung für Neues Testament und Gnosis, 3 vol. Freiburg: University Publisher, 1979.
- J. H. Charlesworth, Papyri and Leather Manuscripts of the Odes of Solomon. Durham: International Center for the Study of Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations and Christian Origins, Duke University, 1981. 7-12.
English Translation
French Translation
German Translation
Spanish Translation
Arabic [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n.104.7-8.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- M. van Esbroeck, “Remembrement d'un manuscrit sinaïtique arabe de 950 (Goslar, septembre 1980)”, in Actes du premier colloque international d'études arabes chrétiennes, S. K. Samir, Ed. Rome: Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies, 1982, pp. 135-147. 135-147.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. [From Monastère de Saint-Macaire, n.394 (=Hag. 28), xix cent; n. 414 (=Hag. 48), an. 1525; Bulletin d'Arabe Chrétien 7 (1992), 17.]
48. Psalms of Solomon [Back to Top]
General Notes
- A. Rahlfs, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, für das Septuaginta-Unternehmen aufgestellt. Berlin: Weidmann Publishers, 1914.
- J. - B. Frey, Ed., Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, vol. 1. Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928. col. 390-396.
- J. H. Petermann, Thesaurus seu Liber magnus, vulgo "Liber Adami" appellatus, opus Mandaeorum summis ponderis, vol. 1, 2 vol. Berolin: R. Tietz, 1867.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 192-197.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- J. L. Trafton, The Syriac Version of the Psalms of Solomon. A Critical Evaluation. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1984.
- S. P. Brock, “The Syriac Version of the Psalms of Solomon. A Critical Evaluation [Review]”, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 32, pp. 204-207, 1987.
- J. R. Harris and Mingana, A., Eds., The Odes and Psalms of Solomon: The text with facsimile reproductions, vol. 1, 2 vol. Manchester: University Press, 1916.
- J. R. Harris, The Odes and Psalms of Solomon: The translation with introduction and notes, vol. 2, 2 vol. Manchester: University Press, 1920.
- W. Baars, Ed., “Apocryphal Psalms”, in The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta version: Part 4, fasc. 6, Canticles or Odes, Prayer of Manasseh, Apocryphal psalms, Psalms of Salomon, Tobit, I(3) Esdras, Leiden: Brill, 1972.
49. The Lives of the Prophets [Back to Top]
General Notes
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 783-786.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- From the Scholia of Ephrem Syrus: “Vat. sir. 103 pt. 1”. 2016. “Vat. sir. 103 pt. 2”. 2016. “Vat. sir. 103 pt. 3”. 2016.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 785n.10.
- This can also be found in the Chronicle ad annum 846 (E. W. Brooks, Ed., Chronica Minora II [Textus]. Leipzig; Paris: Otto Harrassowitz; Poussielgue, 1904. Pp. 157–238), the Chronicle of Michael the Syrian, and I. A. Barsoum and Chabot, J. - B., Eds., Chronicon anonymi auctoris ad annum Christi 1234 pertinens [textus], vol. 1, 2 vol. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1920. pp. 3–22.
- F. Baethgen, “Beschreibung der syrischen Handschrift "Sachau 131" auf der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin”, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, vol. 6, pp. 193-211, 1886.
- R. Y. Ebied, “Some Syriac Manuscripts from the Collection of Sir E.A. Wallis Budge”, in Symposium Syriacum 1972, Rome: Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies, 1974, pp. 509-539.
- M. H. Goshen-Gottstein, Syriac Manuscripts in the Harvard College Library: A Catalogue. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979.
- A. M. Ceriani, Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim Bibliothecae Ambrosianae: Opera collegii Doctorum eiusdem, vol. 2. Milan: Ambrosian Library, 1863.
- E. Nestle, Syrische Grammatik mit Litteratur, Chrestomathie und Glossar, Rev. Berlin; New York: H. Reuther, 1888.
- E. Nestle, Die dem Epiphanius zugeschriebenen Vitae Prophetarum in doppelter griechischer Rezension . Tübingen: J.J. Heckenhauer, 1893.
- A. S. Lewis, Catalogue of the Syriac Mss. in the Convent of S. Catharine on Mount Sinai. London: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1894.
- J. S. Assemani, Sancti patris nostri Ephraem Syri Opera omnia quae exstant Graece, Syriace, Latine, in sex tomos distributa (5), vol. 5, 6 vol. Rome: Vatican, 1740.
- C. van den Eynde, Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: III. Livre des Sessions [Text], vol. 3.1, 6 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1962.
- Pp. 113ff. (Joad)
- Pp. 119ff. (Jonah).
- C. van den Eynde, Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze [Text], vol. 4.1, 6 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1969.
- Pp. 1ff. (Isaiah)
- Pp. 83ff. (Elisha)
- Pp. 93ff.
- Pp. 98ff. (Jonah)
- Pp. 114ff. (Habakkuk)
- Pp. 141ff. (Malachi)
- C. van den Eynde, Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: V. Jérémie, Ézéchiel, Daniel [Text], vol. 5.1, 6 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1972.
- Pp. 1ff. (Jeremiah)
- Pp. 43-44 (Ezekiel)
- Pp. 135ff. (Habakkuk to Daniel 14:33-39).
- E. W. Brooks, The Book of the Bee: The Syriac Text edited from the Manuscripts in London, Oxford, and Munich with an English Translation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1886.
- I. A. Barsoum and Chabot, J. - B., Eds., Chronicon anonymi auctoris ad annum Christi 1234 pertinens [textus], vol. 1, 2 vol. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1920.
- E. W. Brooks, Ed., Chronica Minora II [Textus]. Leipzig; Paris: Otto Harrassowitz; Poussielgue, 1904.
- J. - B. Chabot, Ed., Chronique de Michel le Syrien, patriarche jacobite d'Antioche, 1166-1199, vol. 4, 4 vol. Paris: E. Leroux, 1963.
English Translation
French Translation
- C. van den Eynde, Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: III. Livre des Sessions [Text], vol. 3.1, 6 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1962.
- Pp. 133ff. (Joad)
- Pp. 141ff. (Jonah).
- C. van den Eynde, Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze [Text], vol. 4.1, 6 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1969.
- Pp. 1ff. (Isaiah)
- Pp. 106ff. (Elisha)
- Pp. 119-120, 126 (Jonah)
- Pp. 145-146 (Habakkuk)
- Pp. 180ff. (Malachi).
- C. van den Eynde, Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: V. Jérémie, Ézéchiel, Daniel [Text], vol. 5.1, 6 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1972.
- Pp. 1ff. (Jeremiah)
- Pp. 49ff. (Ezekiel)
- Pp. 155ff. (Habakkuk to Daniel 14:33-39).
Latin Translation
Arabic Version
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- O. Löfgren, “"An Arabic Recension of the "Vita Prophetarum"”, Orientalia Suecana, vol. 25-26, pp. 77-105, 1977. From Milan, Bibl. Ambr. X 201, Sup., fol. 61r-69r, ca. 1000.
50. History of Jonah [Back to Top]
Syriac Version [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- J. - M. Sauget, “Reconstitution d'un manuscrit double originaire du Tūr 'Abdīn et actuellement dépecé: Sbath 125 + Mingana syriaque 88”, in Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Anno 378, 1976, pp. 358-439. 357-439.
Arabic Version [Unedited]
51. Habakkuk Apocryphon [Back to Top]
Arabic Version [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- M. R. James, The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament. London; New York: Society for promoting christian knowledge; The Macmillan Company, 1920.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 61-62.
52. History of Isaiah the Prophet [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
53. Apocryphon of Jeremiah on the Captivity of Babylon [Back to Top]
Arabic Version (From Coptic)
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n.91.7-10.
- M. R. James, The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament. London; New York: Society for promoting christian knowledge; The Macmillan Company, 1920.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 2, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1947.
- U. Zanetti, Les manuscrits de Dair Abû Maqâr. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1988. 58-59.
- L. Leroy and Dib, P., “Un apocryphe carchouni sur la Captivité de Babylone (I)”, Revue de l'Orient Chrétien, vol. 15, pp. 255-274, 398-409, 1910.
- L. Leroy and Dib, P., “Un apocryphe carchouni sur la Captivité de Babylone (II)”, Revue de l'Orient Chrétien, vol. 16, pp. 128-154, 1911.
- J. R. Harris and Mingana, A., Eds., “A Jeremiah Apocryphon”, in Woodbrooke Studies: Christian Documents in Syriac, Arabic, and Garshūni, Reprint., vol. 1, Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1927, pp. 125-133.
French Translation
54. Apocalypse of Baruch (2 Baruch) [Back to Top]
Syriac (from Greek)
- J. - B. Frey, Ed., Dictionnaire de la Bible: supplément, vol. 1. Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1928. col. 418-423.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- G. Vermes, Millar, F., Vermes, P., and Black, M., Eds., The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135) by E. Schürer. A New English Version, vol. 3.1. Edinburgh: T. & T. Black, 1986. 750-756.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- P. Bogart, Apocalypse de Baruch: Introduction, traduction du syriaque et commentaire, vol. 1, 2 vol. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1969. 177-221, 242-269, and 383-385.
- W. Harnisch, Verhängnis und Verheißung der Geschichte: Untersuchungen zum Zeit- und Geschichtsverständnis im 4. Buch Esra und in der syr. Baruchapokalypse. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1969.
- J. Herzer, Die Paralipomena Jeremiae. Studien zu Tradition und redaktion einer Haggada des frühen Judentums. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996. 33-77.
- A. M. Ceriani, “Apocalypsis Baruch syriace”, in Monumenta sacra et profana, vol. 5.2, Milan: Ambrosian Library , 1871, pp. 113-180.
- A. M. Ceriani, Translatio syra pescitto Veteris Testamenti ex Codice Ambrosiano sec. fere VI photolithographice edita curante et adnotante. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883.
- M. Kmosko, “Liber Apocalyseos Baruch filii Neriae translatus de graeco in syriacum”, in Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 1.2, R. L. Graffin, Ed. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. col. 1056-1207.
- W. Baars, “Neue Textzeugen der syrischen Baruchapokalypse”, Vetus Testamentum, vol. 13, pp. 476-478, 1963. 476-478.
- S. Dedering, Ed., “Apocalypse of Baruch”, in The Old Testament in Syriac: according to the Peshiṭta version. Part 4 Fasc. 3: Apocalypse of Baruch, 4 Esdras, vol. 4.3, Leiden: Brill, 1973, pp. i-iv, 1-50. i-iv, 1-50.
- M. Kmosko, “Liber Apocalyseos Baruch filii Neriae translatus de graeco in syriacum”, in Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 1.2, R. L. Graffin, Ed. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. col. 1056-1207.
English Translation
- List of Old Testament Peshitta manuscripts: preliminary issue. Brill: Leiden, 1961. 99 and appendix.
- C. A. Moberg, Eine syrische Masora-Handschrift in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Lund. Lund: Ohlsson, 1928. fol. 153v-154b.
- A. Baumstark, “Syrische und syro-arabische Handscriften in Damascus”, Oriens Christianus , vol. 5, p. 325, 1905.
- A. Baumstark, “Die literarischen Handschriften des jakobitischen Markusklosters in Jerusalem (I)”, Oriens Christianus, vol. 2, pp. 120–136, 317–333, 1912.
- J. - M. Vosté, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque syro-chaldéenne du Couvent de Notre-Dame des Semences près d'Alqosh (Iraq). Rome, Paris: Bureaux of the «angelicum», P. Geuthner, 1929.
- O. Sarau and Shedd, W. A., Catalogue of Syriac manuscripts in the Library of the Museum Association of Oroomiah College. Urumiah: Urumiah College, 1898.
English Translation
- R. H. Charles and Sparkes, H. F. D., “The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch”, in The Apocryphal Old Testament, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, pp. 835-895.
- A. F. J. Klijn, “2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch (Early Second Century A.D.). A New Translation and Introduction”, in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Volume 1, Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, Reprint., vol. 1, 2 vol., J. H. Charlesworth, Ed. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009, pp. 615-652.
French Translation
German Translation
- See also the entry in the Online Critical Pseudepigrapha. However, this text must be opened through the website.
Arabic Version (from Syriac)
- Sinai, Sainte-Catherine, arab. 589, fol. 1r-28v [Syriac apocalypse of Baruch], 28v-33v [Epistle of Baruch] (IX/X or X/XI cent.).
- A. S. Atiya, The Arabic manuscripts of Mount Sinai. A hand-list of the Arabic manuscripts and scrolls microfilmed at the library of the Monastery of St. Catherine. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1955. p. 24.
- P. S. J. van Koningsveld, “An Arabic Manuscript of the Apocalypse of Baruch”, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period, vol. 6, pp. 205-207, 1975.
- F. Leemhuis, “The Mont Sinai Arabic Version of the Apocalypse of Baruch”, in Actes du deuxième congrès international d'études arabes chrétiennes (Oosterhesselen, septembre 1984), S. K. Samir, Ed. Rome: Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies, 1986, pp. 73-79.
- A. F. J. Klijn, Leemhuis, F., and Gelder, G. J. H. van, Eds., The Arabic Text of the Apocalypse of Baruch. Edited and Translated with a Parallel Translation of the Syriac Text . Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1986. [Apocalypse and Epistle]
55. Epistle of Baruch [Back to Top]
56. Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius [Back to Top]
General Notes
- W. Bousset, “Beiträge zur Geschichte der Eschatologie”, Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, vol. 20, pp. 113-131, 261-290, 1900. 113-131, 261-290.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- M. Kmosko, “Das Rätsel des Pseudomethodius”, Byzantion, vol. 6, pp. 273-296, 1931.
- K. Czeglédy, “Monographs on Syriac and Muhammadan Sources in the Literary Remains of M. Kmosko”, Acta Orientalia, vol. 4, pp. 19-91, 1954.
- G. J. Reinink, “Der Verfassername "Modios" der syrischen Schatzhöhle und die Apokalypse des Pseudo-Methodios”, Oriens Christianus, vol. 67, pp. 46-64, 1983.
- F. Nau, “Révélations et légendes. Méthodius. -Clément. -Andronicus. Textes édités, traduits et annotés”, Journal Asiatique, vol. 9, pp. 415-471, 1917. [From Paris, BnF, syr. 350, f. 98-105 (an. 1646); Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Add. 2054, f. 1-2.]
- H. Suermann, Die geschichtstheologische Reaktion auf die einfallenden Muslime in der edessenischen Apokalyptik des 7. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt: Lang, 1985, pp. 34-97. [From Vat. syr. 58, fol. 118v-136v (an. 1584); Paris, BnF, syr. 350.]
- F. J. Martinez Fernandez, “Eastern Christian Apocalyptic in the Early Muslim Period: Pseudo-Methodius and Pseudo-Athanasius”, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1985. 58-92. [From Vat. syr. 58.]
- G. J. Reinink, Die syrische Apokalypse des Pseudo-Methodius [text]. Louvain: Peeters, 1993. [Fom Vat. syr. 58; “Beinecke Syriac MS 10”. 2016. fol. 225r-236r, fol. 225r-231v, 232r-236r; Mardin, Évêché Chaldéen, ms. orth. 368, cah. 20, fol. 4r-cah. 22, fol. 7v (an. 1365); Mardin, Évêché Chaldéen, ms. orth. 891, fol. 180r-183v (an. 1956)].
English Translation
German Translation
Arabic Version [Unedited]
57. On our Lord and on the end written by the youth Daniel [Back to Top]
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
- H. Schmoldt, “Die Schrift "Vom jungen Daniel" und "Daniels letzte Vision". Herausgabe und Interpretation zweier apokalyptischer Texte”, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 1972. 25-113. [From Brit. Lib., Add. 18715, fol. 239v-241v].
58. Fourteenth Vision of Daniel [Back to Top]
Arabic (from Coptic)
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- C. Heinrich Becker, “Das Reich der Ismaeliten im koptischen Danielbuch”, Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse, pp. 7-57, 1916.
- 7-57. [From Brit. Libr., Copt. 729, fol. 240a-251b, an. 1090.]
59. Apocalypse of Daniel [Back to Top]
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980.
- R. J. H. Gottheil, “An Arabic Version of the "Revelation of Ezra"”, Hebraica, vol. 4, pp. 14-17, 1888.
- F. Macler, “L'Apocalypse arabe de Daniel publiée, traduite et annotée”, Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, vol. 49, pp. 265-305, 1904.
- Pp. 265-305. [From Paris, BnF, arab. 150, fol. 14-20 (XVII cent.)].
60. On Daniel and the boy Caleb [Back to Top]
Arabic [Unedited]
- F. Stegmüller and Reinhardt, N., Eds., Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vol. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1980. n. 117.20
- G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, 5 vol. Rome: Vatican Apostolic Library, 1944.
61. Conversation of Joseph and Nebuchadnezzar [Back to Top]
62. The Tiburtine Sibyl (Cf. CPG 1353) [Back to Top]
General Notes
- A. Rzach, “Sibyllen”, in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, vol. II.A.2, 1923, pp. col. 2169-2183. col. 2169-2183.
- J. H. Petermann, Thesaurus seu Liber magnus, vulgo "Liber Adami" appellatus, opus Mandaeorum summis ponderis, vol. 1, 2 vol. Berolin: R. Tietz, 1867.
- M. Erbetta, Ed., Gli Apocrifi del Nuovo Testamento, 3 vol. Torino: Marietti, 1969. II.528-535.
- M. Geerard, Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti. Turnhout: Brepols, 1992. 320.
- A. - M. Denis and Haelewyck, J. - C., Eds., Introduction à la littérature religieuse judéo-hellénistique: pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Syriac Version
Garshuni, Ethiopic, and Arabic I-V versions
- R. Y. Ebied and Young, M. J. L., “An Unrecorded Arabic Version of a Sibylline Prophecy”, Orientalia Christiana Periodica , vol. 43, pp. 279-307, 1977. [From Leeds, Univ. Libr., arab. 184, fol. 7v-13v (XVIII cent.).]
- R. Y. Ebied and Young, M. J. L., “A Newly-Discovered Version of the Arabic Sibylline Prophecy ”, Oriens Christianus, vol. 60, pp. 83-94, 1976. [From Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Huntington arab. 328, f. 154v-160r (XVII cent.).]
German Translation
French Translation