Saint Mark's Monastery, Jerusalem MS 199B (SMMJ 00199B)
See entry at CPART and in Macomber ([Macomber A]; [Macomber B]) (St. Mark's Convent, Jerusalem 3-3; SMC 3-3). Filoksinos Yohanna Dolabany, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in St.
See entry at CPART and in Macomber ([Macomber A]; [Macomber B]) (St. Mark's Convent, Jerusalem 3-3; SMC 3-3). Filoksinos Yohanna Dolabany, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in St.
See entry in Assemani
See entry in Assemani
Each link contains the Arabic text with French translation on the same page. If Nau has listed a cross reference with a chapter title, wherever possible, it has also been supplied below with a hyperlink.
Chapter 3: The history of the young Roman girls [ET]
The Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John, Bishop of Ephesus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1853. Pp. 3.6.6 (Syriac) (ET) (GT).
,Chapter 4: The history of Mani [ET]
Socrates' Ecclesiastical History, 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893. Pp. 1.XXII (Greek).
,Chapter 6: The history of St. Gregory the Thaumaturge (♱ 270 CE) [ET]
Chapter 7: The history of St. Awgen [Eugene] [ET]
Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum: Tomus Tertius, vol. 3, 7 vol. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1892. Pp. 376-480.
,Chapter 9.1: The history of Bahram II (♱ 293 CE), son of Bahram I (♱ 276 CE), sons of Shapur I (♱ 270 CE) [ET]
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Leiden: Brill, 1879. Pp. 48-49; 415-416.
,Chapter 9.2: The history of St. Peter of Alexandria (♱ 311 CE) [ET]
Chapter 10: The history of Arius (♱ 336 CE) [ET]
Chapter 11: The history of the monk, Paphnutius [ET]
Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum: Tomus Quintus, vol. 5, 7 vol. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1893. P. 514.
,Chapter 12: The history of Sergius and Bacchus [ET]
Chapter 13: The history of St. Silvester, Pope of Rome (♱ 335 CE) [ET]
Zachariae Episcopi Mitylenes aliorumque Scripta Historica Graece plerumque deperdita, vol. 3, 4 vol. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1870. Pp. 46-76.
,Chapter 14: The history of the dragon [ET]
Chapter 15: The history of Emperor Constantine (♱ 337 CE) [ET]
Chapter 16: The discovery of the cross and the nails [ET]
For more on the history of the discovery of the true cross, see “BHO”. 2015. under the entry, The Discovery of the True Cross.
,Chapter 17: Faithful Helen and her son, the victorious Constantine [ET]
“Les constructions Palestinnienes dues à Saint Hélène”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 10, pp. 162-168, 1905. Pp. 162-168.
,Chapter 18: The council of Nicaea [ET]
Chapter 19: The description of the city of Constantinople [ET]
Chapter 20: The description of the central part of the city of Rome [ET]
An alternate description is found in Zachariae Episcopi Mitylenes aliorumque Scripta Historica Graece plerumque deperdita, vol. 3, 4 vol. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1870. P. 323.
,Chapter 21: On the Chronicle and on its composition [ET]
Chapter 22: On the Pascha and on the resurrection [ET]
Chapter 23: The history of Shapur II (♱ 379 CE), son of Hormizd II (♱ 309 CE) [ET]
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Leiden: Brill, 1879. P. 52.
,Chapter 24: The death of Emperor Constantine [ET]
Chapter 25: The saints contemporary with Papas [ET]
Chapter 26: A history of St. Ephrem (♱ 373 CE) [ET]
Chapter 27: The history of Simeon bar Sabba'e (♱ 339 CE) [ET]
The ecclesiastical history of Sozomen: comprising a history of the church from A.D. 324 to A.D. 440. London: Bohn , 1855. Pp. II.9-10
,Version A of his life: (Syriac–Assemani) (Syriac–Bedjan) (LT)
Version B of his life (Syriac–Bedjan)
Maris Amri et Slibae de patriarchis nestorianorum commentaria ex codicibus vaticanis, vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1899. Pp. 9-14.
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. Pp. 33-35.
,Chapter 28: The sons of Constantine [ET]
Chapter 29: The history of Sadoth (Sahdust) (♱ 342 CE) [ET]
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. Pp. 37-39.
,Chapter 30: Outstanding men, his contemporaries [ET]
Chapter 31: The history of Barbasymas (Barbasemin) (♱ 346 CE), the 11th Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 39-41.
,Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum: Tomus Secundus, vol. 2, 7 vol. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1891. Pp. 296-303
,Maris Amri et Slibae de patriarchis nestorianorum commentaria ex codicibus vaticanis, vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1899. P. 12.
,Chapter 32: The history of the martyr, Qardag (Kardag) [ET]
Chapter 33: The history of Julian the Apostate [ET]
Chapter 34: Another version of the history of Julian [ET]
Chapter 35: The history of Jonah, founder of the convent of Anbar [ET]
The Life (Syriac–Bedjan)
A Metrical Homily of Isho'dnah of Basra (Syriac–Guidi)
Chapter 36: The history of John, the founder of the convent of Beth-Zabdai [ET]
Chapter 37: The history of Rabban Sari [ET]
Chapter 38: The history of the convent of Zarnoqa [ET]
Chapter 39: The history of Mar Cyprian, Bishop of Africa [ET]
Chapter 40: The history of St. Baršabba [ET]
Chapter 41: The history of Rabban Šallita [ET]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, 5: (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan)
,Chapter 42: The history of the earthquake and hail [ET]
Chapter 43: The history of Ardašir II (♱ 383 CE), brother of Shapur II (♱379 CE) [ET]
Chapter 44: The history of Valentinian II (♱ 392 CE) and of Gratian (♱ 383 CE), the son of Valentinian I [ET]
Chapter 45: The history of Theodosius the Great (♱ 395 CE) [ET]
Chapter 46: The obedience of Theodosius when he was prohibited entrance into the church [ET]
Chapter 47: The destruction of the temple of Sarkis [Serapis] [ET]
Chapter 48: The fathers and doctors by the name of Gregory [ET]
Chapter 49: The history of Flavian and of his disciple Diodore [ET]
Chapter 50: The history of heretical monks [ET]
Inscriptions mandaïtes des coupes de Khouabir. Paris: Welter, 1898. Pp. 139, 203-204.
,Ecclesiastical History: A History of the Church in five books, from A.D.332 to the death of Theodore of Mopsuestia A.D.427. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1843. Pp. IV.11.
,Chapter 51: The history of Basil (♱ 379 CE) [ET]
Chapter 52: The history of the heretic, Macedonius, the Patriarch of Constantinople [ET]
Chapter 53: The history of Mar Theodore (♱ ca. 428 CE), the interpreter of the Divine Books [ET]
Chapter 54: The history of Mar Ephrem, spoken by the Syrian prophet [ET]
Chatper 55: The history of Luliana [Julian], son of Barmala (♱ ca. 370 CE) [ET]
Julian Saba (Syriac-Bedjan)
Chapter 56: The history of Epiphanius (♱ 403 CE) [ET]
Chapter 57: The martyrs and excellent men at this period [ET]
Chapter 58: The history of Patriarch Tomarsa (Tamuza), the 12th Catholicos [ET]
Chapter 59: The history of Bahram, surnamed Farmanshah (♱ 399 CE) [ET]
Chapter 60: The history of Rabban Mar 'Abda of Dayr Qoni [ET]
Maris Amri et Slibae de patriarchis nestorianorum commentaria ex codicibus vaticanis, vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1899. Pp. 12-13.
,Chapter 61: The history of the convnet of Sliba [ET]
Chapter 62: The history of 'Abdisho' who built a convent near Hira [ET]
Chapter 63: The history of Qayoma, the 13th Catholicos [ET]
Chapter 64: The history of Arcadius (♱ 408 CE) and Honorius (♱ 423 CE) [ET]
Chapter 65: The history of Yazdegard I (♱ 420 CE) [ET]
Chapter 66: The history of Mar Isaac, the 14th Catholicos [ET]
Maris Amri et Slibae de patriarchis nestorianorum commentaria ex codicibus vaticanis, vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1899. Pp. 13-15.
,Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum: Tomus Secundus, vol. 2, 7 vol. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1891. Pp. 45-50.
,Chapter 67: The history of John Chrysostom [ET]
Chapter 68: The history of Yaballaha the monk, elected Catholicos [ET]
Chapter 69: The history of Aḥai, the 15th Catholicos [ET]
Chapter 70: The history of Emperor Theodosius the Younger (♱ 450 CE) [ET]
Maris Amri et Slibae de patriarchis nestorianorum commentaria ex codicibus vaticanis, vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1899. P. 15.
,Chapter 71: The history of Yaballaha I, the 16th Catholicos [ET]
Chapter 72: The history of Ma'na, the 17th Catholicos who was deposed [ET]
Chapter 73: The history of the conversion of the inhabitants of Najran [ET]
Maris Amri et Slibae de patriarchis nestorianorum commentaria ex codicibus vaticanis, vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1899. P. 16.
,Chapter 74: The history of the death of Yazdegard and of the ascension to the throne of his son [ET]
Chapter 75: The history of the Holy Martyr Mar Jacob Intercissus [ET]
Chapter 76: The hisotry of 'Aqbalaha, Bishop of Beth Garmai [ET]
Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902. Pp. 35, 43.
,Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum: Tomus Secundus, vol. 2, 7 vol. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1891. Pp. 515-517.
,Chapter 1: The history of Babowai, the 20th Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 60ff.
,Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum: Tomus Secundus, vol. 2, 7 vol. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1891. Pp. 631-634.
,Chapter 2: The history of Leo [The Thracian], King of the Greeks (♱ 474 CE) [ET]
The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia. London: Methuen, 1898. Pp. II.4.
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. P. 72.
,Tarikh mukhtasar al-duwal. Beirut, 1890. P. 145.
,Chapter 3: The history of Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople (♱ 458 CE) [ET]
Chapter 4: The history of King Zeno (♱ 491 CE) [ET]
The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia. London: Methuen, 1898. Pp. III.1.
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. Pp. 73-74.
,Chapter 5: The death of Peroz, King of the Persians [ET]
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Leiden: Brill, 1879. Pp. 126ff
,Procopius. History of the Wars. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914. Pp. II.3-4.
,Chapter 6: The history of Gennadius, Patriarch of Constantinople [ET]
Chapter 8: The history of Acacius, the 21st Catholicos [ET]
Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902. Pp. 299-307, 531-537.
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 72ff.
,Chapter 9: The history of Mar Narsai, the doctor [of the church] (♱ 503 CE) [ET]
Chapter 10: The history of Anastasius I (♱ 518 CE), King of the Greeks [ET]
The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia. London: Methuen, 1898. Pp. IV.30ff.
,Tarikh mukhtasar al-duwal. Beirut, 1890. Pp. 146-147.
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 78n2 and 84n1.
,Chapter 11: The history of Milas, King of Persia [ET]
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Leiden: Brill, 1879. Pp. 12ff.
,Chapter 12: The history of Qawad [Kavad] (♱ 531 CE), King of Persia [ET]
Chapter 13: The history of Elijah, the doctor, metropolitan of Nisibis [ET]
“La Cause de la fondation des écoles”, in Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 4, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. 317-404.
,Chapter 14: The history of Zamasp, King of the Persians [ET]
The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite Composed in Syriac A.D. 507. Cambridge: University Press, 1882. P. XXIV; [ET]
,Procopius. History of the Wars. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914. P. I.VI
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. P. 75.
,Chapter 15: The history of Babai, the 22nd Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. 80.
,Chapter 16: A nice short history [The story of the mouse and the pearls] [ET]
Chapter 17: The history of the attack of Amida by Qawad [Kavad] – the vision [ET]
The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite Composed in Syriac A.D. 507. Cambridge: University Press, 1882. Chapter 50 (ET).
,Chapter 18: The history of the holy Mar Abraham the Great [ET]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, n. 14 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 1.4 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 19: The history of Silas, the 23rd Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. 82.
,Chapter 20: The history of Justin I, King of the Greeks (♱ 527 CE) [ET]
Chapter 21: The history of Jacob Baradaeus [Burd'oyo] [ET]
Joannis Episcopi Ephesi monophysitae scripta historica quotquot adhuc inedita supererant, vol. 2, 4 vol. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1868. Pp. 249-257 and 364-383.
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 1, 3 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1872. P. 216.
,Chapter 22: The history of the heretics with Justin I [ET]
Chapter 23: The history of Justinian I (♱ 565 CE), King of the Greeks [ET]
Chapter 24: The history of Khosrau I [Chosroes I] Anushirvan (♱ 579 CE) [ET]
Chapter 25: The history of Narsai and of Elijah, the 24th and 25th Catholicoi [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. P. 82
,Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902. Pp. 318ff.
,Mšiḥa-Zkha (texte et traduction); Bar-Penkayé (texte). Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1908. 155-156 (Syriac).
,Chapter 26: The history of Paul, the 26th Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 88-90.
,Chapter 27: The history of Mar Aba the Great, the 27th Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 90ff.
,Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902. Pp. 318-351, 540-562.
,Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d'un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1895. Pp. 206-274.
,Chapter 28: The argument of the Catholicos (Mar Aba) with a Magi [ET]
Chapter 29: The question posed by Mar Aba [ET]
Chapter 30: The mention of his (Mar Aba) disciples [ET]
Bibliotheca Orientalis: De Scriptoribus Syris Nestorianis, vol. 3.1. Rome: Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1725. Pp. 86.
,Chapter 31: The history of Abraham of Nathpar and of Job, his disciple [ET]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, 43: (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 2.17: (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 32: The history of Joseph the Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 3, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1877. Pp. 96-98.
,Chapter 33: The history of Justin II (♱ 578 CE), King of the Greeks [ET]
The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia. London: Methuen, 1898. Pp. V.1
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. P. 82.
,Chapter 34: The history of Patriarch Eutychius [ET]
Chapter 35: The history of Babukabr [ET]
Chapter 36: The history of Ezekiel, the 29th Catholicos [ET]
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. Pp. 98.
,Chapter 37: The history of the reign of Hormizdad [ET]
Chapter 38: Details on the death of Khosrau I (Chosroes I) Anuširuwan [ET]
Chapter 39: The history of Daniel, the penitent [ET]
Chapter 40: The history of Rabban Qusre [Bar-Qusre; Qoure] [ET]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 50: (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 41: The history of Tiberius, the Emperor of the Greeks
The Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John, Bishop of Ephesus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1853. Pp. 3:3.11 (Syriac) (ET) (GT))
,Chapter 42: The history of Isho'yahb of Arzun, the 30th Catholicos
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. P. 106.
,Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. Pp. 7-9.
,Chapter 43: A summary of this that took place to Hormizd (IV) (♱ 590 CE) through his son Khosrau (II) (♱ 628 CE)
Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 7
,Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Leiden: Brill, 1879. Pp. 370, 430-431, 478-487.
,The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia. London: Methuen, 1898. P. VI.15.
,Chapter 44: The history of Rabban Elijah, who founded at Mossul the monastery known under the name of Deir Sa'id
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 19 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 1.9 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 10 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 14 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 45: The history of Rabban Bar 'Edta
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 15 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Analyse de la Vie de R. Bar 'Edta”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 11, pp. 103-123, 1906. 403.
,“Étude supplémentaire sur les Écrivains syriens orientaux”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 11, pp. 1-33, 1906. 13-14.
,Chapter 46: The history of Rabban Simeon
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 68 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 47: The history of Rabban Giwargis
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 16 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 48: The history of John, founder of the convent of Anḥel [An'el]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 22 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 49: The history of Rabban Ḥaya [Gani]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 28 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 50: The history of Rabban Babai of Nisibis
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 17 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chronica Minora [Translation]. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1903. 18-19 (Syriac) (LT).
,Chapter 51: The history of Rabban Jonah
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 27 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 52: The history of Sahrona [Sahrawai]
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 18 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 1.14 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 53: The history of Mar Yahb, the Anchorite
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 40 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, I.18 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 19 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 54: The history of Rabban Šapur
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 55 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 55: The history of Maurice (♱ 602 CE), the Emperor of the Greeks
The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia. London: Methuen, 1898. Pp. V.21 and VI.1.
,“Michael the Syrian”. 2016., Chronicle, II.10.21 (Syriac) (FT).
,Chapter 56: The history of Rabban Jacob, the founder of the convent of Beth-'Abe
“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 1.34 (by Sahdona (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)), 1.18 (by Bar Garap-(Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)), 1.24 (by Rabban Apnimaran (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)), 2.33 (by Gabriel Raqoda (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)), 1.6 ((Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)), 12 ((Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)), 22 ((Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET)).
,“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 34 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 57: A short anecdote about a Priest who was sacrificing to a demon
Chapter 58: The history of Khosrau II (Chosroes II) Parviz (♱ 628 CE), son of Hormizd IV (♱ 590 CE)
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Leiden: Brill, 1879. Pp. 370, 430
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. P. 92
,Chronica Minora [Text]. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1903. Pp. 7ff (Syriac) (LT)
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. Pp. 10.21 (Syriac) (FT), 23 (Syriac) (FT).
,Chapter 59: The history of the priest who became a Magi
“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, I.23 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d'un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1895. P. 306
,Chapter 60: The history of al-Nu'man III (♱ 602 CE), son of al-Mundhir, King of Ḥira
Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d'un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1895. Pp. 321-328
,“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 47 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 61: The history of Jonah, the founder of the convent of Bar Ṭura
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 49 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 62: The history of Jacob, founder of the convent of Ḥbiša
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 24 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, I.14 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 63: The history of the Jacobite Patriarchs
Chapter 64: The history of Titus, Bishop of Hdatta
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 54 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 65: The history of the holy and pure Mar Sabrisho' (the 31st) Catholicos
Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d'un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1895. Pp. 288-331.
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. P. 108.
,Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902. Pp. 456-470.
,Chapter 66: A recounting of the vision which Mar Sabrisho' had when he was the Bishop of Lasum
Chapter 67: After that which took place during the election [of Sabrisho']
Chapter 68: The recounting of the miracle performed by Catholicos Mar Sabrisho' in the presence of Bishop Marutha
Chapter 69: The history of Gabriel [of Sinjar], the doctor, with Catholicos Mar Sabrisho'
Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. Pp. 12, 15.
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. P. 110.
,Chapter 70: The history of the murder of Maurice; Khosrau changed his resolve toward the protection of Christians
Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 13.
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. Pp. 92-93.
,“Michael the Syrian”. 2016., Chronicle, X.24.374-375 (FT).
,Chapter 71: The death of St. Mar Sabrisho', Catholicos
Chapter 72: The events which happened during his time
Chapter 73: The history of St. Zinai
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 69 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 74: The history of Gregory, Metropolitan of Nisibis
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 56 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. Pp. 10-11.
,Chapter 75: The history of the chastisement inflicted on the inhabitants of Nisibis because of St. Gregory
Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 11.
,Chapter 76: The history of Rabban Isho'yahb
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 139 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 77: The history of Rabban Gabrona
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 51 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 78: The history of Maurice (♱ 602 CE), Emperor of the Greeks
“Michael the Syrian”. 2016., Chronicle, 11.24 (FT).
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. 92-93.
,Chapter 79: The history of Theodosius [Theodore] (♱ 602 CE), son of Maurice, Emperor of the Greeks
Chapter 80: The history of Gregory [of Pherat], the 31st Catholicos
Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 15.
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. Pp. 108, 111
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, I.25 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 26 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Chapter 81: The names of the Christians who were in the service of Khosrau [II]
Chapter 82: The history of Heraclius, Emperor of the Greeks (♱ 641 CE)
Chapter 83: The history of the heretics, on the controversy of the Persians, and on the excommunication of Ḥnana
Chapter 84: The history of Mar Babai the Great
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 39 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 1.7 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 8 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 27 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 29 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET), 35 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,A list of books which he composed
Bibliotheca Orientalis: De Scriptoribus Syris Nestorianis, vol. 3.1. Rome: Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1725. P. 94.
,Chapter 85: The history of Ḥananisho' the monk
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 21 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan)
,Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d'un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1895. 514ff.
,Chapter 86: The history of George [Giwargis] the martyr massacred by Khosrau
Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d'un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1895. Pp. 416-571.
,“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 57 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 87: The history of Heraclius, Emperor of the Greeks with Khosrau
Procopius. History of the Wars. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914. Pp. II.9ff
,Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. Pp. 19-23
,Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890. Pp. 95
,“Michael the Syrian”. 2016., Chronicle, XI.1 (Syriac) (FT), 3 (Syriac) (FT).
,Chapter 88: The history of the Jacobite bishoprics and the new sieges which they were establishing at the time of their patriarch Athanasius; the history of this with the Greek Emperor
Chapter 89: The cause of the spread of the Jacobites through the Persian empire
Chapter 90: The history of Babi the scribe
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 75 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 91: The history of the beginning of Mar 'Abda, the Elder, the disciple of Mar Babai
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 76 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 92: The history of the death of Khosrau II Parvēz and the reign of his son, Shiroë [Kavadh II] (♱ 628 CE)
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden: Aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari übersetzt und mit ausführlichen Erläuterungen und Ergänzungen versehn. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1879. Pp. 352ff.
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 1.35 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,“Michael the Syrian”. 2016., Chronicle, XI.3 (Syriac) (FT).
,Chapter 93: History of Catholicos Isho'yahb II of Gdala
Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 24
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. Pp. 114-116.
,Chapter 94: What happened between Barṣauma, the Bishop of Susa, and the Catholicos; their correspondance
Copy of the first letter (which was known to the public)
The second letter of Barṣauma, addressed to Isho'yahb the Catholicos
Chapter 95: The events which took place at the time of Mar Isho'yahb Gdalaya; History of Rabban Oukhama
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, nos. 14 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan), 25 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan), 30 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, I.14 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,“Analyse de la Vie de R. Bar 'Edta”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 11, pp. 103-123, 1906. P. XXIII)
,Chapter 96: The history of Rabban Sabrisho', founder of the convent of Beth-Quq
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 59 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,“Thomas of Marga”. 2015. The Book of Governors, 2.17 (Syriac–Budge) (Syriac–Bedjan) (ET).
,Mšiḥa-Zkha (texte et traduction); Bar-Penkayé (texte). Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1908. Pp. 171-220.
,Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. 3.2, 3 vol. Rome: Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1728. Pp. 2.742 and 877.
,“Analyse de l'Histoire du couvent de Sabrisho de Beith Qôqa”, Revue de l'Orient chrétien, vol. 11, pp. 182-197, 1906. Pp. 182-197.
,Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. P. 410n2.
,Chapter 97: The history of Mar 'Abda, son of Ḥanif
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 77 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 98: The history of Rabban Khoudawai, founder of the convent of Beth-Ḥale
Book of Chastity, no. 79 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
Chapter 99: The history of Rabban Hormizd
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 89 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 100: The history of Rabban Theodore
According to Scher this could refer to the same person as Theodore Bar Koni
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 74 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Bibliotheca Orientalis: De Scriptoribus Syris Nestorianis, vol. 3.1. Rome: Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1725. P. 198.
,Chapter 101: The appearance of Islam, which God upholds and triumphs
Chapter 102: A copy of the pact and the edict written by Muhammad ibn 'Abdallah to the inhabitants of Najran and on all those who profess the Christian religion on the face fo the earth
Chapter 103: He wrote an edict of which there is a copy here
Chapter 104: A recounting of the death of [Muhammad], peace be upon him
Chapter 105: A recounting of the death of Mar Isho'yahb (♱ 637 CE) the Catholicos
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. P. 124n1.
,Chapter 106: The history of Heraclius, Emperor of the Greeks (♱ 641 CE)
Chapter 107: A recounting of the death of Heraclius, the Emperor of the Greeks, the history of his successors
S.P.N. Theophanis, Bbatis agri et confessoris Chronographia: cui accedunt Leonis grammatici, auctoris incerti, Anastasii bibliothecarii historiarum sui temporis quæ supersunt, vol. 108. Paris: J.-P. Migne, 1861. Chronographia, P. XVIII.
,“Michael the Syrian”. 2016. Chronicle, XI.8 (FT) (Syriac).
,Chapter 108: The history of Maremmeh, the Catholicos
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum, vol. 2, 3 vol. Paris/Louvain: Maisonneuve/Peeters, 1874. P. 128.
,Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 27.
,Chapter 109: The history of Sabrisho', the Metropolitan of Beth-Garmai
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 92 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Un nuovo testo siriaco sulla storia degli ultimi Sassanidi. Brill: Leiden, 1891. P. 30.
,Chapter 110: The history of Athanasius, known by the name Gamalaya, Patriarch of the Jacobites, and of John, his disciple
Chapter 111: The history of Malkisho', founder of 'Umra Ḥadtha
“Isho'dnah”. 2015. Book of Chastity, no. 99 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan), no. 54 (Syriac–Chabot) (FT) (Syriac–Bedjan).
,Chapter 112: The history of Mar Isho'yahb
For more information on Michael the Syrian, see “Chronicles and Historiography”. 2014.. ,
This classic article is the single best survey of and guide to chronicles and historical writing in Syriac. The article we have linked to is taken directly from the original publication and not from the reprint in one of Brock's Variorum volumes. Brock's article should be the starting point for anyone looking for an orientation to what is available in Syriac in terms of historical writing and also for anyone seeking bibliographic guidance.
Another classic and foundational article by Brock which is useful and important for the student of Syriac historiography as well as the student of seventh-century history. An excellent compliment to Brock's article on the main sources of Syriac historical writing.
Eusebius of Caesarea's Ecclesiastical History, surviving in a manuscript dated to AD 462, is the oldest extant historical work in Syriac. The Syriac ms of Eusebius is four or five centuries older than the earliest Greek manuscripts of the same work.
The Syriac text was published in the following:
A German translation was done by Eberhard Nestle:
Socrates’ Ecclesiastical History was available in Syriac in the medieval period and was used by authors such as Michael the Syrian.
A portion of Socrates’ Ecclesiastical History survives in Vatican Syriac 145 (ff.22v-65v). 9 folios from Socrates' Ecclesiastical History are also preserved in a Syriac manuscript at the Wellcome Institute in London. This manuscript apparently once contained a copy of the entire work.
Here is Assemani's description of the portions of Socrates contained in Vatican Syriac 145.
The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret was also available in the medieval period.
A portion of Theodoret's Ecclesiastical History survives in Vatican Syriac 145 (ff. 65v-78v).
Here is Assemani's description of the portions of Theodoret contained in Vatican Syriac 145.
There is also an an anonymous East Syrian ("Nestorian") work of early church history, extant in a manuscript dated AD 1703. It draws on earlier material, especially the ecclesiastical histories of Socrates and Theodoret.
This text was first edited and translated by Emil Goeller in 1901:
Survives as part of the Zuqnin Chronicle below.
Excerpts from Part 2 of John's Ecclesiastical History begin here. For a longer discussion of the preservation of Part 2 and its relationship to the Zuqnin Chronicle, see the John of Ephesus page.
“Selections from the Syriac. No. I: The Chronicle of Edessa”, The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, vol. 5.9, pp. 28-45, 1864.
,The Syriac text was first published by Assemani:
The text was also edited with German translation and introduction by Ludwig Hallier:
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch from 818–845, he recorded an Ecclesiastical History covering 582–842 CE. While longer excerpts have been incorprated into the works of Michael the Syrian, one fragmant is to be found edited with the works of Pseudo-Zecharias Rhetor.
Drawing on other-lost works (e.g., the chronicles of Dionysios of Tell Mahre, John of Litarba and Jacob of Edessa) and at times confusing to use (there are three columns to navigate, each with a different focus), for medieval historians Michael the Syrian represents the most important of all Syriac chronicles. The Syriac text was published in volume 4 of Chabot's edition and translation; it was a reproduction of a hand-written copy based on an early modern, complete, copy of Michael that is now held in the Church of the Edessenes in Hayy al-Suryan in Aleppo. The scribe that Chabot had copy out the work did a remarkable job at reproducing this manuscript, but the Syriac text can nevertheless at times be very difficult to make out. Recently, HMML, Gorgias Press, and the Bishop of Aleppo joined forces to produce a facsimile edition of the Aleppo copy of Michael, the publication of which was a landmark. Arabic translations of Michael also exist, most importantly perhaps in the Christian village of Sadad in Syria, and it has been suggested that the Aleppo copy of Michael may or may not actually represent the entirety of Michael's original text--there may be sections which have been omitted or lost; studying the Syriac alongside the Arabic (which remains unpublished, but there are plans to put out a facsimile of the Arabic as well) may be able to help resolve this question.
This edition has typos in it. The edition in the Oriental Institute in Oxford is the personal copy of Mrs. Margoliouth and you can read her emendations in the side margins if you have access to it. (It would be nice to have a scan of those!) UPenn has Nöldeke’s personal copy and you can similarly read his emendations there if you have access to it; somebody, however, rebound the book and, tragically, cut the margins, so some of Nöldeke’s corrections have been lost.
It is good to have access to these older editions; if you use the Thesaurus Syriacus or certain older works, they will cite these editions rather than the newer ones. They are useful to know about for the purpose of tracking down references.
This is another historical work by Bar Hebraeus which differs from his Syriac ecclesiastical and secular histories and which contains material found in neither of these. (with thanks to Jan van Ginkel).
This is a controversial East Syrian Chronicle; with a somewhat obscure and mysterious manuscript history, Fiey accused Mingana (posthumously) of having fabricated the entire text. More recent research has taken the edge off of some of Fiey's sharp criticisms and suggested that it be seen as a medieval compilation which has earlier material at its core. See especially the following:
This is also referred to as "Guidi's Chronicle", or "the Anonymous Chronicle".
Though the focus of Severos' history is the leadership of the non-Chalcedonian church of Egypt, it nevertheless contains important information about relations between the Egyptian and Syrian churches and is an important source for students of Syriac literature and history. Roger Pearse has a good overview of Severos' life and work:
Also includes Joseph and Aseneth, 7 Sleepers of Ephesus, Silvester, and Baptism of Constantine.