Syriac 30. Grammatika Catalogs: Clark Chabot Contents: Elijah of Nisibis: Grammar John bar Zo'bi: Grammar
Vat. sir. 194 Catalog entry in Assemani Elijah of Nisibis, Syriac Grammar John bar Zo'bi, Syriac Grammar John bar Zo'bi, On seven sections of prayer Bar Malkon, Poetic grammar Distinction of sounds, homonyms Elijah of Nisibis, Syriac and Arabic Nomenclature Ishō' bar 'Alī
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: Orientali 100 See entry for Assemani 361; [Bibliographic Record]; [Data Record] Elijah of Nisibis, Grammar
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00025) f. 2v-49r Elijah of Nisibis, Syriac Grammar f. 51v-78r Liturgical miscellany
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00021) f. 1v-39r Elijah of Nisibis, Syriac Grammar f. 39r-270v John bar Zo'bi, Syriac Grammar f. 270v-284v John bar Zo'bi, Brief metrical Grammar f. 284v-285v John bar Zo'bi, Short metrical treatise on points f. 285v Metrical list of Syriac particles, meter of Ephrem f. 285v-293v On the difference between the terms kyānā and qnōmā, and parṣōpā and appē f. 293v-309 Metrical treatise on points, meter of Jacob
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00020) f. 1r-7r Elijah of Nisibis, Grammar f. 7v-182r John bar Zo'bi, Grammar f. 182v-191v John bar Zo'bi, Brief Metrical Grammar f. 191v-199v On the difference between the terms kyānāi and qnomā, and between parṣopā and appē f. 199v-200r Metrical treatise on points f. 200r-211r Isho'yahb bar Malkon, Metrical treatise on points, in the meter of Jacob f. 211r-212v On the composition of causes: naturally, logically, and grammatically
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00023) f. 2r-6v Miracles of the Virgin Mary (Arabic) f. 7v-46v Elijah of Nisibis, Syriac Grammar (Syriac) f. 55v-146r Liturgical miscellany (Garshuni, Syriac) Includes parts for ordination (55v) Consecration of the altar and eucharistic vessels (81v-88v) Joseph II, The washing of the feet (92r) Portions for the sick and dying (99v) f. 146v-149r Sentences on grammar and other subjects (in verse, various meters) (Syriac)
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00022) f. 1v Syriac Grammar f. 2r-8v Bar Qardāḥe, Khāmīs, Wine poems f. 9r Liturgical notes f. 9v-17v Elijah of Nisibis, Syriac Grammar (abridged) f. 18r-136v Bar Zō'bī, Yōḥannān, Syriac Grammar f. 137r-144v Bar Zō'bī, Yōḥannān, Brief metrical grammar f. 144v-145r Bar Zō'bī, Yōḥannān, Homily on philosophy, in the meter of Jacob f. 145r-146r Commentary on the previous text f. 146r-146v Metrical treatise on points f. 147r-152r Homily on the divisions of philosophers, in the meter of Ephrem