Vat. sir. 592 Isaac of Nineveh, First book Babai of Nisibis Babai of Nisibis Isḥāq Shbadnāyā, 'Onitha Joseph Hazzaye John bar Penkaye
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00507) f. 1r-9r Gewargis Wardā, 'Onyatha related to the Rogation of the Ninevites f. 9r-33r Khamis bar Qardahe, 'Onyatha for feasts of the liturgical year f. 33v-36v 'Onitha on Stephen f. 36v-40r 'Onitha on George the Martyr f. 40v-57v Īsḥāq Shbadnāyā, 'Onyatha f. 57v-82r 'Onitha on Shmoni and her sons
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00428) f. 1v-41r Khamis bar Qardahe, 'Onyatha on Rogation of the Ninevites and penitence f. 41r-64v Khamis bar Qardahe, 'Onyatha on various subjects f. 64v-94r Gewargīs Wardā, 'Onyatha on penitence f. 95r-110r Īsḥāq Shbadnāyā, 'Onyatha f. 110r-119v 'Onitha for the Rogation of the Ninevites f. 119v-157r Khamis bar Qardahe, Sogyatha for feasts of the liturgical year f. 157r-164r Khamis bar Qardahe, 'Onitha on Isho'sabran f. 164r-172r 'Onitha on the proverbs
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00113) f. 1r-51r Elijah III, Catholicos of the Church of the East, Collection of prayers for the morning office throughout the liturgical year f. 51v-94r Gabriel Qamṣa, Metropolitan of Mossul, Hymn in commemoration of Saint Sabrīshō' of Beth Qoqa f. 94r-106r Īsḥāq Shbadnāyā, Hymn in commemoration of St. George the Martyr f. 106v-111v, Hymn in commemoration of St. Stephen f. 112r-121r Khamis bar Qardahe, Epigrams on various subjects in strophic form