Digitized Manuscripts: Faceted Search

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This table searches all collections of Syriac and Garshuni manuscripts that are freely available online by key terms. Click any of the categorized menu items to narrow down your search. If you would like to sort the manuscripts by shelf-mark or date, or search by general keyword, see our other table here, which includes all the same manuscript data.

*The Approximate Date column is derived from the best available information for the manuscript. This is not asserted as a scholarly position on the dating of the manuscript. Instead, it is merely used here for the convenience of being able to sort all manuscripts by numerical date. The user should keep in mind that there may be considerable debate over the precise dating of the manuscript and should consult the manuscript repository and relevant scholarly literature for details.

Manuscript Name / Shelf Mark / Project Number Approximate Date Language The main body text Link to Digitized Manuscript
Vat. sir. 187 1,669 CE Syriac

Catalog entry in Assemani

  • 'Abdisho' of Nisibis, Interpretation of the 'Onyatha of Simeon of Sancalabar
  • Exposition of the obscure places in the Gospels
  • Exposition on certain places in Genesis and Exodus
  • Etymologies of Syriac words
  • A question of Macarius the Solitary and answer of Joshua bar Nun, Patriarch of the Chaldeans
  • Questions and answers from the Scriptures from Theodore of Mopsuestia
Vat. sir. 419 pt. 1 1,572 CE Syriac

Catalog entry in Assemani

  • 'Abdisho', Catholicos of the East, Tractatate on the words of Scripture being as one thing, but signifying another
  • Explanation of difficult words in alphabetical order
  • Abraham of Nathpar, Ascetic sermons
  • Exposition of other words of Scripture meaning something but symbolizing another
Vat. sir. 419 pt. 2 1,572 CE Syriac

Catalog entry in Assemani

  • 'Abdisho', Catholicos of the East, Tractatate on the words of Scripture being as one thing, but signifying another
  • Explanation of difficult words in alphabetical order
  • Abraham of Nathpar, Ascetic sermons
  • Exposition of other words of Scripture meaning something but symbolizing another