Historical Fiction in Fifth-Century Edessa: The Teaching of Addai and Some Related Texts

TitleHistorical Fiction in Fifth-Century Edessa: The Teaching of Addai and Some Related Texts
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsBrock, SP
Conference NameEdessa from the fourth century to the Arab conquest: Syriac Studies Symposium
Date Published06/1991
PublisherSt. Matthew's Syrian Orthodox Church
Conference LocationBrown University
OCLC Number37557938
KeywordsSyriac Studies Introduction

Ephrem and the Syrian and feminine language for God / Kathleen McVey --
From Edessa to Nisibis / Judith Fishman --
Ascetic movement in Mesopotamia during the fourth century / Shafiq Abouzayd --
Bishop Rabbula: ascetic tradition and change in the fifth century / Susan Ashbrook Harvey --
Setting right the church of Syria: Saint Ephrem's hymns against heresies / Sidney H. Griffith --
Odes of Solomon and the Man from heaven: a comparison of the imagery of two communities / Richard A. Wright --
Images of healing in the Odes of Solomon / David C. Aune --
Ephrem's images of women / Jane Richardson Apa Bishoi and Mar Ephrem / Monica Blanchard --
Alleged priority of the Syriac version of the Life of Anthony / David Brakke --
Comparison of the earliest Man of God narratives / Robert Doran. Concealed sanctity in The Man of God of Edessa / Derek Krueger --
Pagan practices in the Life of Severus of Zacharias rhetor / Brian Fitzgerald --
Chronicles of Edessa: history and society in the early 6th century / Robert Kitchen --
Tribes and cities in the Jazira of the 6th and 7th centuries / Chase Robinson --
Jacob of Edessa and Islam / Robert Hoyland --
Procopius, Justinian and the chronicle of Edessa / Andrew Palmer. Another of Chrysostom's catecheses in Syriac: the Greek Vorlage of B.L. add. 14, 727, 8n / Arthur Shippee --
Moses bar Kepha's "On paradise" and the beginning of Syriac studies / Leo Depuydt --
Historical fiction in fifth century Edessa / Sebastian P. Brock --
Genesis 2-3 in early Syriac exegesis / Gary Anderson. Tahitha dhe-Yauseph and exegesis in Edessa: antecedents and influence of a Christian midrash / Michael Hollerich --
Evagrius in Edessa / Robin Darling Yooung --
A Mimra on Urhai (Edessa) attributed to Ephrem the Syrian / Joseph P. Amar --
Ephrem on Bardaisan and Bardaisanites: the philosophical structure of the debate / David Bundy --
Theophilus of Edessa and Syriac science / David Pingree --
Jacob of Edessa: a seventh century intellectual / Dana R. Miller

Citation Key3765