From Hecataeus to al-Ḫuwārizmī: Bactrian, Pahlavi, Sogdian, Persian, Sanskrit, Syriac, Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Latin sources for the history of pre-Islamic Central Asia

TitleFrom Hecataeus to al-Ḫuwārizmī: Bactrian, Pahlavi, Sogdian, Persian, Sanskrit, Syriac, Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Latin sources for the history of pre-Islamic Central Asia
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1984
EditorHarmatta, J
Series TitleCollection of the sources for the history of pre-Islamic Central Asia
Series Volume1.3
PublisherAkadémiai Kiadó
ISBN Number9789630538084
OCLC Number260052564
KeywordsSyriac Sasanian Sources
Citation Key4997